Well, I’m not dead. In fact, I’ve been quite busy the past 2 days trying to implement Roberto Alsina’s simple calculator idea in C++ for speed. It was complicated by the fact that I couldn’t simply call ‘eval str’ like Roberto and Zack, but I have my first version up at my website.
It’s called kcalc2 right now, for lack of any semblance of a better name. To (drastically) reduce the download size, and keeping in mind the fact that the application as it stands has no use for the KDE build system, the application is distributed with only a Makefile. The upshot is that the source code (including the bison and flex generated files for those without bison and flex) comes to only 24K, which will really help out my poor computer when it’s trying to serve the file over my cable modem. ;-)
Hopefully it will build for you. If not, it shouldn’t be too hard to make it do so I think, as long as you have KDEDIR and QTDIR set. Next release will probably use qmake to make this kind of thing less of an issue. I’ve posted the README for the program on my website as well in case you just want to see that first, as I don’t feel like repeating it all here.