So, given the accelerating rate of KDE project migration to, I felt it was prudent to finally make a kdesrc-build release, for those who don’t follow kdesrc-build development in trunk.
So, kdesrc-build 1.12.1 is upon us (the link may be broken, I’ve just committed everything to svn, it should update within a few minutes of that). I probably shouldn’t have made it a mere +0.0.1 release, as it contains one notable large new feature, and several minor improvements besides the normal bugfixes.
The big deal is the module-set feature I discussed a couple of months ago. This allows for easy declaration of git-based modules in your .kdesrc-buildrc (which is good, as old Subversion modules are being migrated quickly now that 4.6 has been branched off of trunk).
However, it is not a long-term (or even a good medium-term) solution. To that end, the KDE sysadmins have been working hard on making a database of the projects available on, including what groups each repository falls under. Besides being needed to migrate some of the tools that we currently use with Subversion, it will be useful for allowing build scripts (such as kdesrc-build) to take a command to build e.g. “kdepim”, and figure out the full list of git repositories contained in the “kdepim” grouping.
The groups can themselves be contained within groups (in theory you’d be able to build all of extragear with a single command, although I’ll probably block groupings that large like kdesrc-build currently does to avoid users accidentally DoS-ing KDE resources).
That will be the next thing I start on. Hopefully finding good Perl libraries for parsing XML doesn’t take too long. ;)
The other thing I will be doing is migrating to myself. I’m not exactly sure when, but I already have the rules mostly written. Perhaps I’ll wrap everything up this weekend and move to myself.
Either way, let me know if there are issues with the new release (it’s been brewing for about a week so don’t say I didn’t give trunk users time to test! ;)
Happy building!
PS: Special side note, if you’ve been receiving messages about KSharedDataCache saying that “This cache is probably corrupt”, update kdelibs to either 4.6 branch or trunk, that bug should be fixed now…