First off let me wish you a Happy Independence Day. Obviously I’m a day late mentioning this, but that’s because I was busy doing more important things, like celebrating. :)
Congrats to France and Italy for making it to the World Cup finals. Soccer has grown a bit on me since our women’s team beat China all those years ago, but I have to say that it’s missing the *CRUNCH* element that I get from NFL football.
Anyways, I will be leaving soon, and this computer will be going offline for at least a couple of weeks. I still have to go through stuff and decide what to take with me to Groton though. Right now it looks like I’ll be taking my wife’s laptop, while she can use the desktop computer. My wife is kind of distressed about that; she even suggested that I go out and buy myself my own laptop. ;) Unfortunately we have to save our money for various things…
I plan on updating the kdesvn-build release before I go. I may even find hosting for abakus before I go as well.
So anyways, if you email me or something and I don’t respond, that’s probably the reason why.