The first week of my next school is about to conclude tomorrow. And it’s been a long week…
The curriculum is less structured (you can learn things in the order you want, for starters), and the individual subjects are easier than they were in Nuclear Power School. But it seems like I’m always in a race against time.
That’s because I have to qualify to be Engineering Officer of the Watch in 24 weeks. The qualification record book I need to have completely signed (each signature indicating that I know a given topic) is about 2 centimeters thick (about 0.75″). Each page is printed on both sides, and most pages have more than 2 (and sometimes up to 5 or 6!) signature blocks. That’s a lot of signatures I need.
Coincidentally, KDE hacker extraordinaire Maksim Orlovich is down in Charleston for some conference or something. So we’re going to meet tomorrow for dinner somewhere. I suggested a Chinese buffet place but it’s looking like the nearest one to where he’s at is about 10 miles. Yuck.
P.S. This isn’t the first time we will have collaborated either. Maksim and I teamed up to port a nifty screensaver to KDE, which I mentioned before. I need to get it ready for KDE 4 at some point, which shouldn’t be too hard I think.