Alien Hominid

Been playing Alien Hominid for the Gamecube today. This has to be one of the funniest and just overall bestest games I’ve played in a while. Although I still stink at side scrolling shooters. :-(

In other news I’ve been working on making kdesvn-build even better. Now it supports quiet mode, and emailing reports on a build failure. If it needs to email a report it will try to extract the relevant information from the error log instead of just mailing you the whole thing as well.

While restructing kdesvn-build to support quiet mode, I went and cleaned up the code in places and made a few small changes. For example, now kdesvn-build won’t abort when you pass a module on the command line that isn’t in your configuration file, meaning that it’s (in theory) possible to download and compile a whole new module without having to add it to your .kdesvn-buildrc, which is useful for a one-time shot, like if you were going to install something from kdereview or extragear.

In other news, have a test coming up tomorrow for Power School, hoping to do well on that. I only got 3.09 out of 4 on the last one so I’ve studied harder this time. ;-)